The world has not gone crazy.  The world is the same. The idea of progress is vanity. Human happiness is zero sum.

But the news, these days, is definitely crazy.  And maybe even hopeful, as cracks in the old arguments begin to appear. Certain prominent narratives are flipping.

And poetry, which belongs to change and tradition, is news

So here we go:

1. Garrison Keillor   Accused!  No more Writer’s Almanac poems!

2. Jill Bialosky  Plagiarist! Norton editor. 72 poets, many published by Norton, have defended her.

3. William Logan  Critic and poet, exposed Jill Bialosky’s widespread plagiarism—which he as a reviewer discovered in her memoir, Poetry Will Save Your Life.  Logan’s review, in Tourniquet Review, was picked up by AP and the NYT.

4. Robert Pinsky  Poet Laureate of the U.S. (1997 to 2000). Published by Norton, and one of 29 signatories in letter to Times defending Jill Bialosky.

5. Ben Mazer His Selected Poems just published  (Madhat press). Three poems early in the volume, “The Double,” “Death and Minstrelsy,” and “The Long Wharf,” ensure his immortality.

6. Kevin Young  New Yorker poetry editor! now that Paul Muldoon is retiring. Studied under Seamus Heaney at Harvard with Mazer.

7. Valerie Macon Briefly N. Carolina poet laureate, forced to resign because she lacked academic credentials, has new book.

8. John Ebersole  Questioned for writing an in-depth, honest, but less than flattering review of a poet’s book—see no. 9.

9. Kaveh Akbar Calling A Wolf A Wolf released in 2017 by Alice James Books gets pummeled in Tourniquet Review.

10. Dan Beachy-Quick “I don’t know how to sing” closes his poem in December Poetry issue. Well, damn right. Most contemporary poetry cannot.

11. Forrest Gander “You who were given a life, what did you make of it?” After obscure parts, occasionally contemporary poetry tries to sound frank, and accessible and wise. As in Gander’s “What It Sounds Like” in December Poetry, it fails.

12. Angie Macri has a poem in December Poetry, “What pleasure a question,” which gives us some drama and psychology on Adam and Eve: “It was the first time she had/something to give, what/the man couldn’t take, the first time/the man said please: please let me have a bite.”

13. Cornelius Eady has a poem in December Poetry titled, “All the American Poets Have Titled Their New Books ‘The End'”, leaving open the question whether this is foolish, or not. Contemporary poetry never shows its hand, for then it would fail.

14. Valzhyna Mort makes a rather obvious point in her “Scene from Medieval War,” published in Poetry for December, with her first line, “When God appears before me he is a burning woman tied to a bush.” Poetry still aims for the High Modernism of Eliot and Yeats, but fails.

15. Kristen Tracy strives to update Tradition in the December Poetry: “she died there. Stuck. Like a tragic Santa.”

16. Paul S. Rowe the young college professor, poet, translator, and editor of Charles River Journal, is serially publishing Thomas Graves’ book on Ben Mazer.

17. Billy Collins must do something controversial soon, or we’ll forget him. No. Who could forget “The Lanyard?”

18. Jorie Graham who married into the Washington Post Graham family, has won the 2017 Wallace Stevens award, with a stipend of $100,000. She commands a chair at Harvard, and about 10 years ago was caught cheating as poetry contest judge.

19. Ed Roberson is the recipient of the 2017 Academy of American Poets Fellowship, worth $25,000.

20. Patrick Rosal has received the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize, worth $25,000, for his book Brooklyn Antediluvian (2016). Rosal teaches Creative Writing at Rutgers.

21. sam sax has won the James Laughlin Award, worth $5,000 and a one-week hotel stay in Miami.

22. Piotr Florczyk in 2017 received the Harold Morton Landon Tranlation Award, worth $1,000.

23. Thomas E. Peterson was awarded the Raiziss/De Palchi Fellowship for English translations of modern Italian poetry, worth $25,000.

24. Frances Revel an MFA student at Cornell, won the Aliki Perroti And Seth Frank Most Promising Young Poet Award, worth $1,000, for her poem, “Hymn for the End of Drought.”

25. Rayon Lennon is the 2017 $10,000 prize winner of the Rattle Poetry Prize for his poem, “Heard.”

26. James Henry Knippen has won the 2017 Discovery/Boston Review Contest with “Poem,” in full: “I wanted to rescue the moon/from our hopes. I wanted/to rescue our hopes from hell./I wanted to rescue hell/from existence. I wanted/to rescue existence/from itself.”

27. Stephen Cole puts one in mind that poetry is a sounding-leaf which needs a tree—the great and kindly interest in love and philosophy; the leaf is artificial, otherwise. Cole, who lives in Kansas, doesn’t artificially hoard for acclaim; his prolific output goes right on the Internet.

28. Sushmita Gupta is wise, but poetry declares itself in the homely passions; she is Cole’s poetry-as-natural-as-breathing, female equivalent: vulnerable simplicity of expression, sorrow never feeling sorry for itself, shining on the World Wide Web.

29. Sharon Olds won the Pulitzer a few years back—one of the best living poets, her skill lies in creating domestic, intimate scenes that flash upon the reader like an old master’s painting or drawing.

30. Philip Nikolayev is a poet, philosopher, and linguist, who belongs to Ben Mazer’s Harvard/Boston University brat-pack-genius circle of neo-Romanticism—which is genuine because it pursues so many things; he is currently translating Sanskrit into English and Ben Mazer into Russian; his Facebook discussion threads attract the best minds online.

31. Steph Burt is the critical heir to Helen Vendler at Harvard, a de-centered, eclectic, whirlwind, part of the 21st century movement of American poetry outward from Harvard, where Emerson/William James/Gertrude Stein/Santayana/Wallace Stevens/TS Eliot/Bly/O’Hara/ Ashbery/Bishop/Lowell/Heaney/Mazer sometimes eked out a living. Harvard is poetry’s center no more, as Slam, Creative Writing and the internet pull it apart.

32. Steven Cramer hides out at Lesley University, which is next to Harvard in Cambridge, and exemplifies the truth that poetry is not about geography, but where minds gather; American poets in the 19th century crossed the ocean just to visit Wordsworth—the poet god no longer exists; “The Hospitals” by Cramer is one of America’s best poems.

33. David Lehman is the Series editor of Best American Poetry (1988 to present) the volume poets hate  each year when they see they are not included; Lehman desperately, recklessly, felt compelled to include the late Ashbery in annual volume after volume—like a drowning man clinging to the rope of poetry’s decreasing importance; in his general introduction Lehman always protested too much, crying out, “poetry is well.” But the Series has served.

34. Derrick Michael Hudson Years from now, when BAP is no more, this will be, no doubt, the one incident in its history talked about the most—a white male poet achieved much better publication success when submitting poems to journals using the psuedonym of a Chinese woman. Sherman Alexie, BAP guest editor, chose the poem, discovered the trick, still published it, and was excoriated.

35. Joie Bose is a poet from India; a wife and a mother; she traveled to Japan alone, just for the delicious poetic hell of it; she personifies the poet as restless spirit, and belongs to that great, international, Romantic trend in poetry which one can see on the internet, but which few have bothered to document or record.

36. Bob Dylan made as little as possible, it seems, of his Nobel Prize in Literature. Is this because “rock star” means so much more than “writer?” Sell records and get the girl. “Prize?” “Writing?” Fuck that.

37. Amber Tamblyn is an actress who has published poetry—no American good at anything else has ever been revered as a poet; Michelangelo—yes, that one—wrote great poetry, but no American knows it. Poe dared to write great short stories, too—and to this degree, professional American poetry critics, such as Vendler and Bloom, cannot admit Poe is a good poet—it’s an iron law. What of Wallace Stevens? This proves the point—he had a job—but had it been excelling in another area of the arts, his poetry would be forgotten.

38. W.S. Merwin is America’s most time-honored, living, iconic male poet with the passing of Ashbery and Wilbur—not that these guys were household words—but Merwin, who knew Robert Graves, has little star power, somehow. The famous American poet is not a dying breed. It’s a dead one.

39. Ron Padgett has some hoary prominence—he wrote a few poems for the recent movie, Paterson, starring Adam Driver. England had Lord Byron and Lord Tennyson. The U.S. doesn’t like lords—or their kind of poetry much anymore—though it’s still good.

40. Claudia Rankine was the poet who clashed with Tony Hoagland and his ‘watching tennis’ poem over race before she became big with her race book, Citizen. The Victorians (beneficiary heirs of the slave trade, created by the British Empire) had children as their poetic subject. 21st Century Americans (victim heirs) have racism.

41. Mary Angela Douglas should be discovered. She writes lines of real beauty. She is unknown, like a basketball player sinking a number of thirty-foot shots in a row, in some empty stadium.

42. Mary Oliver is a national treasure. We’re glad she’s still around. She proves to us nature poetry doesn’t really exist. All poetry is of nature, and never gets beyond it, if we are honest, and if we turn off the blurbing trumpets.

43. Donald Hall is about the same age as Merwin. He has written harrowing poetry and should not be forgotten.

44. Terrance Hayes has a lot going for him: major prizes, sensitive poetry, alive to the times, and he’s young. He’s 46. Which in American poetry today, is young. A hundred years ago, 26 was young; fifty years ago, 36 was young; today, 46 is about right. One needs time to get that MFA, or two.

45. Eminem is not considered a poet, and no hip hop artist will ever be considered a poet. There’s a hierarchy, and it goes something like this: Prose poetry difficult to understand is first, prose poetry which is politically correct, a close second. Rhyme, quietism, slam, and hip hop are kept in cages.

46. Rachel McKibbens is a feminist poet and mother who writes of sexual assault and abortion with a fervor which challenges poetry which repels subject, and cares only for poetry.

47. Joanna Valente is a poet who belongs to the post-post-post-Feminist Wave which is not so much pro-woman, as we-are-going-take-the-whole-concept-of-woman-away-from-men-entirely. This is the right of every non-binary creature. There’s an epidemic sweeping across our land of daughters wholly estranged from mothers which poets like Valente, striking out into the unknown, represent.

48. Ron Silliman belongs to an old SUNY Buffalo/L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E/Charles Bernstein/anti-Quietist  School which has nothing more to say. Like so many similar movements, it arose out of a fetish sensibility—which inevitably condemns itself to irrelevance, since it enacts newly what was never really new, but merely odd, and with the passage of time and any success at all, there is the attempt to be more than what was odd at first (normalcy is greedy in all of us at last) causing the radical impulse to die.

49. Dan Sociu is a Romanian whiz kid poet who now must be taken seriously on the English speaking stage thanks to the publication of English translations of his urbane and sensitive work by Ana-Maria Tone.

50. Richard Howard is the living tradition (he’s of the generation of Donald Hall and W.S. Merwin) of James Merrill, the highly learned, lavish, baroque—which enhances, but sometimes gets in the way—of American poetry.

51. Patricia Lockwood wrote a date rape poem a few years ago which went somewhat viral on Twitter. She was “me too” before that became famous. Prophet is probably too big a word. Perhaps poets may serve as the canary in the mine?

52. Collin Yost is an Instagram “dude” poet who was critically savaged in an offhand remark (and then re-tweeted) by a feminist woman for his naively bad “dude” poetry.

53. A.E. Stallings is the last gasp of New Formalism—which attempted to make rhyme critically respectable and failed, because formalism has nothing to do with formalism and everything to do with the rare great poet who inhabits it and validates it.

54. Rupi Kaur is selling, but there’s always a catch, when it comes to poetry—and this is certainly poetry’s fault, and we shouldn’t blame Rupi Kaur.  Her successful book, Milk and Honey, is full of trite advice, the “inspirational” mode of truly fake poetry, passing itself off as wisdom—but which makes people feel good, so the critics and poets (are they wise?) remain wrapped in silence.

55. Frank Bidart is the poet (his Collected won National Book Award in 2017) who exemplifies sociology and psychology in dramatic guise; he’s known for highly personal, ALL CAPS pronouncements in his poems. Once a poet gets inside not just language, but font, and is able to make it a bit strange, together with ‘everyman’ observations, a certain amount of success is assured.

56. Eileen Myles has a nice combination of things going: well-reviewed novel and poems, a museum presence, a cool, older lesbian presence, a Boston, Catholic background; shrewd, nice, but with a loner vibe, as well.  Such things probably happen by accident—but poetry, which is never an accident, does well with it.

57. Paige Lewis is a very young poet who has already written two great poems: “You Can Take Off Your Sweater, I’ve Made Today Warm” and “The River Reflects Nothing.” But American poetry has no apparatus to make good poetry known. So what is a poet to do? Ginsberg’s fame arose from obscenity charges. The last legitimately known poets, Frost, Cummings, Eliot, were born in the 19th century.

58. Tyehimba Jess of sensitive Jim Crow era passions and historiography, beat out Adrienne Rich’s Collected for the 2017 Pulitzer: Living Black Male Slam 1, Dead White Lesbian Book 0.

59. Marjorie Perloff is like those other experienced, learned poetry critics, Harold Bloom and Helen Vendler: hoary American Criticism generally likes Pound, without looking at his writings very specifically, and generally dislikes Poe, without looking at his writings very specifically—this respectable but odd opinion towards the hyena and the lion is a terrible drag on American Letters.

60. Frederick Seidel belongs to the Scorched Earth School of American poetry. The older poets today are far more eccentric than the young—for about a million reasons.

61. Wendy Cope is brainy, English, and funny. She uses rhyme to “win” arguments. Which is sort of what rhyme is supposed to do. Of course, she’s poison to those who practice “serious” poetry in the United States. The British poets used to matter in the United States. They no longer do.

62. Daipayan Nair belongs to the English speaking avalanche of Indian poetry on the Internet. He is a master of the very short form—his mind is so complex that compositions of any length tend to misfire; he can say more in a few words (I am a poet/I kill eyes) than most can say in a book.

63. Marilyn Chin was born in Hong Kong, named after Marilyn Monroe; she landed as a child on the west coast, found her way to the University of Iowa, is now a well known Chinese American poet; her best known poem: “How I Got That Name.”

64. Dana Gioia was chair of the NEA under George W. Bush, a New Formalist who champions Longfellow. New Formalism arose during Reagan, and has managed to assure that rhyme is used even less by critically acclaimed poets today. One cannot just impose rhyme on trivia. What the New Formalists did not understand (and the free verse advocates do not understand, either) is that good rhyme does not elevate expression; it humbles it. Humbling the trivial is boring.

65. Diane Seuss was Pulitzer Poetry runner-up in 2016, an extroverted feminist with a new book coming out this spring.

66. Charles Simic is another respected, older American poet who may not wish to go gently from America’s poetry landscape, but probably will. Simic belongs to the late Mark Strand school of European surrealism.

67. Kay Ryan writes clever, dryly humorous, brief poems, was U.S. Poet Laureate for awhile, and perhaps should be better known than she is.

68. Kenneth Goldsmith lived and died by the ‘found poem’; “poetry that stays news” was taken a step further (or backwards) by Goldsmith to “poetry that is, literally, the news.” Michael Brown’s autopsy was his downfall.

69. Cathy Park Hong destroyed Ron Silliman’s white Modernist avant-garde with one short, racially outraged, f-bomb essay.

70. George Bilgere is perhaps the best current example of the Carl Dennis/Stephen Dunn/Dean Young/Billy Collins/James Tate school of wise-acre, poignant, middle-aged, dude poetry.

71. Rita Dove did very well to stay above the fray when Vendler and Perloff blasted her anthology for being too black.

72. William Kulik toils away as America’s prose poem Dante.

73. Louise Glück does not have Sharon Olds’ powerful Adele vibe, but as an influential and respected female poet of American Letters, she’ll do.

74. Vievee Francis won the greatest poetry prize in 2017—the Kingsley Tufts Award. It’s worth $100,000. Her poetry appears in BAP, 2010 and 2014, and the Norton Anthology of Contemporary African American Poetry.

75. Sonnet L’Abbé edited Best Canadian Poetry 2014 and is highly engaged in decolonial projects and erasure poetry. Her name comes from her father, Ja-son and her mother, Ja-net.

76. Lisa Robertson has won the new C.D. Wright Award for Poetry, worth $40,000.

77. Jennifer Reeser is a poet’s poet: a high quality formalist, praised by X.J. Kennedy, translated into Persian and Hindi, she has four books; and can be found in anthologies such as Phoenix Rising: The Next Generation of American Formal Poets. She also engages with Native American literature.

78. Terence Davies directed a sensitive movie on Emily Dickinson, A Quiet Passion, starring Cynthia Nixon, released in the spring of 2017.

79. Saheli Mitra is a highly interesting poet one can read on the Internet. There’s a certain tension these days between poets one can read (and see) freely on the web, and the more “respectable” poets—who provide links for purchase of their books, but it is difficult to read a single one of their poems. The poem, and the way it is presented, will always be divided—and very much related. The critic must discern. Readers will gush—or not.

80. Don Mee Choi recently published an autobiographical book of poems about the American wars in Vietnam and Korea called Hardly War, which gets a thoughtful review in The Margins by Sukjong Hong.

81. Matthew Zapruder currently enjoys a critical perch in the NY Times. In his July 10, 2017 column he opines what Scarriet has been saying for years: a poem is not a riddle which deliberately hides its meaning, or is “difficult” on purpose to impress. Zapruder faults Harold Bloom for keeping this fallacy alive. Good. But then Zapruder concludes poetry is meant to bring “language back to life again” in the “machine” of the poem. This is wrong, too. Language is far bigger than anyone’s poem-as-machine. Zapruder has traded one mumbo-jumbo for another.

82. Timothy Donnelly has one of those poems, “Unlimited Soup and Salad” in the November 27, 2017 New Yorker—the trending kind of poem made of breathless facts and extremely long sentences.

83. Don Share is Poetry editor and chair of the Kingsley Tufts Award finalist judges—the Kingsley Tufts Award ($100,000 prize) has nothing to do with Tufts University; Kingsley Tufts was a wealthy LA shipyards executive who published poems in The New Yorker, Esquire, and Harpers.

84. Gary B. Fitzgerald will remind you his poetry is Taoist, not Zen.

85. Ellen Bass writes poetry accessible, poignantly honest, and self-effacing. Her poem, “Indigo,” in the October 16, 2017 New Yorker, about seeing a tattooed man she wishes had been the father of her child is an example. It begins, “As I’m walking on West Cliff Drive…”

86. Ada Limón was a 2017 Kingsley Tufts Award runner-up for her book Bright Dead Things (milkweed). We would be depressed for a long time if we just missed winning $100,000. Perhaps this prize thing is out of control? Aren’t poets anxious enough? Can one imagine Shelley or Dante writing for a gigantic pile of cash?

87. Leila Chatti appears in the anthology, 2017 Best New Poets (series editor Jeb Livingood) with her poem “Motherland,” chosen by guest editor Natalie Diaz.

88. Taylor Swift is, according to Carrie Battan this past year in the New Yorker, “the most consistent singer and songwriter of her generation.” More from the magazine: “The album [“Reputation”] tries to nail down the center of pop at a time when such a thing hardly exists.”

89. Osama Alomar has two books published by New Directions in the United States. A Syrian exile, he is a poet of simplicity and power.

90. Kim Addonizio is receiving a lot of praise for her latest book, Mortal Trash.  It’s published by Norton. We like this line from it: “We believe in the one-ton rose”

91. Shohreh (Sherry) Laici is a young performance artist, poet, and translator from Tehran, who is beginning to get published in the U.S. and belongs to the Iranian Miracle which began on November 8, 2016. She confirmed for us Jimmy Carter’s State Department did in fact help put the current, corrupt regime of 1979 into power.

92. Dylan Krieger has a book of poems which is one of three to make the NY Times 100 Best Books of Fiction/Poetry of 2017. It is ” obscene and religious” and titled Giving Godhead. The others are by Jorie Graham, who writes of “ecological crisis,” and Layli Long Soldier, who is of Sioux heritage. The new faces should be easy to remember: think of the two best American music acts of the 20th Century, Dylan, the folk/rock/”Blowing in the Wind” Nobel, and Krieger, guitarist for the Doors who wrote Light My Fire. Long Soldier should be easy to remember. But, really. What the hell does the New York Times know about poetry?

93. Alan Cordle is a name you need to know. He changed poetry forever with by exposing crooked prizes and contests—the under-the-radar academic money flow which modern-poetry-which-nobody-buys needs—to have any “official” contemporary visibility at all.  Of course dishonest puffery still rolls on—and the general reading public has little confidence that quality in poetry matters at all. True critics wanted—it’s the only real solution.

94. Kushal Poddar belongs to the English speaking India poetry Renaissance taking place around the world, which has yet to gain the attention it deserves—it is too spontaneous for the MFA/New York publishing route; Poddar is especially deft and subtle, more than enough for editors at Norton, or professors at Iowa.

95. Tracy K. Smith was selected as the 22nd Library of Congress Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry in June. She is the winner of a Cave Canem and a Pulitzer poetry prize. She was born in 1972. She has an MFA from Columbia.

96. Rae Armantrout continues her smart assault with this from her poem, “Project,” published in the New Yorker in August: “Your clock’s been turned to zero,/though there is no zero on a clock.”

97. Daniel Swift is the author of  2017’s The Bughouse: The Poetry, Politics, and Madness of Ezra Pound (FSG) a look at the poet who made more than 200 radio broadcasts from Rome during the Holocaust and World War Two, supporting Hitler and the Nazi liquidation of Jews. In 1949, his “insanity” having allowed him to escape hanging for treason, T.S. Eliot and Robert Lowell thought it would be a good idea to issue Pound a major poetry prize—which they did. 1949 was also the year T.S. Eliot won his Nobel Prize for Literature, and published an attack against the American poet Edgar Poe. Remind us who won World War Two, again?

98. Simon Armitage is currently the Oxford Professor of Poetry, following in the footsteps of Matthew Arnold (“Dover Beach”), W.H. Auden, Geoffrey Hill, Seamus Heaney, Paul Muldoon, James Fenton, and Robert Graves—who, from that venerable position, in the 1960s, recommended eating psychedelic mushrooms. William Logan, the American critic, reviews Armitage’s latest book, The Unaccompanied, in The New Criterion, and Logan calls Armitage’s “whimsy…a touch labored” and, in this spirit, the Yank punishes the Brit in the Logan way, accusing him of “premature ejaculation of style…his bullish charm is everywhere undercut by the constant smirking and cutesy quirkiness,” as the reader can’t help but laugh and shout, “Hurray, Criticism.”

99. Nathan Woods may not be a big prize winner right away, having recently discovered, as a young poet, Scarriet, but we trust he will enjoy himself all the same.

100. Robert Tonucci is an invaluable Scarriet editor, as it enters its 10th year—Happy New Year, Nooch!!


  1. noochinator said,

    January 1, 2018 at 11:22 pm

    85. Ellen Bass — link goes to her poem “Indigo”

  2. zakbos said,

    January 2, 2018 at 1:50 am

    I’ve just written to Mary Angela Douglas, asking about the prospect of a chapbook.

    • thomasbrady said,

      January 2, 2018 at 9:51 pm

      Thank you Zachary!! She’s a wonderful poet.

    • maryangeladouglas said,

      January 3, 2018 at 12:28 am

      Very sorry Zachary. I just found your email today and answered it. I’ve had the flu for about a week and am just now getting over it.

      • zakbos said,

        January 3, 2018 at 1:04 am

        Please, no need for an apology. I was glad to see your reply, and I will reply in kind.

        • maryangeladouglas said,

          January 3, 2018 at 2:38 am

          Thank you very much.

          • maryangeladouglas said,

            January 4, 2018 at 8:05 pm

            Well, as I said Mr. Bos in my return email to you which you have yet to acknowledge mpre or less, I might as well burst upon the world in a cracker jack box as to be puBlished in a Pen and Anvil chapbook which, though lovely, are often self characterized as “”bite size”, available in train stations and sell for .85 cents of 1.85. A lovely project in many ways but with 2600 poems many of them of sterling quality I do think I deserve at least a hardback book. I will do it myself as there is no substitute for doing it yourself even if I have to starve myself to do it but thank you for the offer. You have a truly lovely press. And it was a kind gesture on your part. Best of good luck to you in your worthy enterprise.

            • maryangeladouglas said,

              January 4, 2018 at 8:25 pm

              Mr. Bos. I appreciate your swift email to me after seeing my comment just now on Scarriet. And your offer of publishing a 40 page chapbook. But if you had read what I said in the email you would have seen that what I was wanting was at least 120 page regular book. I see that your press also publishes books. As for taking my comment down because you say my comment is ungenerous, I don’t agree with you. If I hadn’t said something people would have assumed that I had a book forthcoming and that would not have been true. Thus my comment stands as well as my praise for your press. I only stated my preferences as as I am old and not in good health and just had a friend die with many of his own uncollected works never to see the light f day, I am a bit cognizant of Time’s winged chariot on my heels and at my back. Going by the description of your chapbooks on your website which is all I had to go by what I said was completely true. I am not saying anything to disparage you. I praised your press lavishly in both my emails to you and in my comments here. I did what I did and I said what I said to make things clear. I don’t have time to linger. It is not anyone’s fault. It is just the way it is. Godspeed.

              • maryangeladouglas said,

                January 4, 2018 at 8:43 pm

                Mr. Bos. I am least of all things ungenerous. Even if your press would offer at this point book publication as I descried I can’t work with you now. How can I work with a person who calls what I say ungenerous. This is a wounding thing. I appreciate you do not have the same persepctive on time that I do and for good reason. You are still young. You are very gifted and your press shows conscientious hard work and artistry. I did not mean to malign either yourself or your press please believe me. There are many unacknowledged and aging poets in our country. I know many of them would say and act in the same way I have. It is not against you at all. It is fighting against Time itself. I really am going to publish my own things. It’s better that way. And it’s alright.

  3. maryangeladouglas said,

    January 2, 2018 at 8:40 am

    Anyone who wants to can read some or all of my poems for free posted at my blog To The Russian Poets There are over 2600 there, some better than others but you are certainly welcome to them. Thank you for mentioning me, Thomas Graves. Made me laugh A LOT to be compared with a basketball player because I am that kid who always got hid in the stomach by the same person whenever each May in Little Rock we were forced to go out on the playground and play dodge ball. God bless all the poets eerywhere known and unknown doesn’t matter as much as some might think. The most important thing is to be true. God will raise our poems and us from the dead if we let Him.

  4. maryangeladouglas said,

    January 2, 2018 at 9:40 am

    Valerie Macon’s new book,(The Shape of Today) published through Main Street Rag Publishing, is available for preorder now with a projected release date of March 2018, at the following link;

    • maryangeladouglas said,

      January 3, 2018 at 12:31 am

      A poem from Valerie Macon’s new book due out in March.

      Saturday Morning at Eggs Up

      A gangling busboy scoops dishes utensils
      crumpled napkins mops then drops his tub.
      If time could slow,

      spoons, forks, knives would take a lazy spin,
      cups would float off their saucers, glide,
      plates spiral, drift.

      And the boy, eyes wide, wishing he could
      reverse gravity, bend sound not to startle,
      would stretch out his arms, catch
      dinnerware, corral it back, but

      instead it crashes, a shiver of silver,
      glass, china, bacon, eggs strike
      the restaurant floor with clattering speed.

      A waitress smirks, patrons pause
      forks mid plate and mouth, breathe
      a moment of stunned silence.

      The busboy, flustered, still learning
      life’s hard lessons, shakes his head, murmurs:
      This is the second time today!

      Valerie Macon from THE SHAPE OF TODAY

  5. noochinator said,

    January 2, 2018 at 10:59 pm

    87. Leila Chatti — link goes to her poem “Motherland”

  6. noochinator said,

    January 2, 2018 at 11:01 pm

    10. Dan Beachy-Quick — link goes to his poem “Auricle”

  7. noochinator said,

    January 2, 2018 at 11:35 pm

    100. Robert Tonucci


    Each partner should be the key
    That fits the other partner’s lock—
    Great beauty could be essential,
    Or it could be a superfluous crock—

    For varied are the aspects
    Of a healthy human creature—
    Solicitude, the meeting of needs
    Matter more than fairness of feature.

  8. Jim Finnegan said,

    January 3, 2018 at 1:44 am

    That’s covering the waterfront. Rats and all. It wasn’t clear to me if this was ranked list. But if it was, I had a pang for Frank Bidart, with a recent Collected, falling below Rupi Kaur.

    • thomasbrady said,

      January 3, 2018 at 2:24 pm

      Jim, it is ranked, but think the wave effect in quantum physics…

  9. January 3, 2018 at 1:46 am

    84. Gary B. Fitzgerald will remind you his poetry is poetry.

    • January 3, 2018 at 2:06 am

      I get claustrophobic when people put me in a box.

      • noochinator said,

        January 3, 2018 at 12:07 pm

        It’s not a box, it’s an appellation, during this Appalachian Winter. Love to see all the comments, maybe I won’t follow up on my intention to re-post my appy-polly-loggy-to-Joyce-Kilmer & magnum old-puss “Vees”.

      • maryangeladouglas said,

        January 3, 2018 at 3:33 pm

        If you feel like it is a box, IT IS.

        • noochinator said,

          January 3, 2018 at 4:39 pm

          OK, so to break myself out of the boxed-in-ness I’ve been feeling, here’s a reprise of “Vees”:


          (with deepest apologies to Joyce Kilmer)

          I think that I shall never have
          A thing as lovely as a vaj.

          A vaj that opens to quell strife
          A vaj that opens to give life;

          A vaj that winks at God all day,
          And seems with lovely lips to pray;

          That vaj so lovely doth appear
          In cotton, satin, nylon sheer;

          That vaj doth God and nature please;
          When living beings it doth release.

          Surgeons think that they can cadge,
          But only God can make a vaj.

          • Anonymous said,

            January 3, 2018 at 6:20 pm

            I know poetry can make you smile, cry, even laugh, but I never knew it could actually make you vomit.

            • noochinator said,

              January 4, 2018 at 9:18 am

              Hey, don’t box me in!

  10. noochinator said,

    January 3, 2018 at 12:03 pm

    Yikes, Adrienne Rich died? I had no idea. Discovering the news of her passing (on 27 March 2012) recalled to me this Scarriet post from one year before that:


  11. noochinator said,

    January 4, 2018 at 7:55 pm

    11. Forrest Gander — link goes to Gander’s poem “What It Sounds Like”

    • maryangeladouglas said,

      January 4, 2018 at 9:02 pm

      Mr. Bos now you say that I am telling tales out of school because I sm posting here details of what you wrote me. No I am not. I am sayhing what I need to say where I need to say it for the sake of the truth. You continue to malign my character. Please stop.

      • maryangeladouglas said,

        January 4, 2018 at 9:32 pm

        Perhaps Mr. Bos you are just having a hard day and things came out wrong due to that. Me too. Somehow for me every new year starts on a rocky footing. Thanks in any case for the kind offer of publishing anything of mine. I hope that with you and all young poets you will publish as much as you can as young as you can. It seems harder to get published somehow when you’re older, for whatever reason in the way you would wish to be. Maybe that’s why there are so many poetry blogs online of all age groups. For sure we know there are many more poets and always have been in America than have come to public attention. May God help us all.

        • zakbos said,

          January 4, 2018 at 9:40 pm

          Truly, not to worry. I’m glad that we were able to chat a bit. Take care!

          • maryangeladouglas said,

            January 4, 2018 at 10:12 pm

            Thank you Zachary. Sorry for any misunderstanding. Im out of kilter because my poet friend died suddenly and I feel pressure to get things done quickly. In reality things take the time they take. Thank you very much for your last kind email. Your press is FANTASTIC. Long live PEN AND ANVIL and all its poets, contributors, publishers.
            And let there be endless cheering and confetti for its brilliance.and cleared sidewalks when it snows.

            • maryangeladouglas said,

              January 4, 2018 at 11:49 pm

              Hope you are all ok in the Boston area. Heard there was a weird unprecedented tidal surge in Boston harbor, thunder snow etc. Hope everything everyone is ok.

  12. noochinator said,

    January 5, 2018 at 12:28 pm

    8. John Ebersole — his review of Kaveh Akbar’s book is accessible at the link below:

    And Ebersole is an engaging and very funny poet himself:

  13. noochinator said,

    January 5, 2018 at 12:35 pm

    8. John Ebersole


    That academics now publish papers
    on the cognitive value of playing outdoors
    is sort of sad & fucked up.
    If toilets flushed forwards

    there’d be more poets. I can listen to
    Berryman read his Dreams all day long.
    If you’ve experienced trauma chances are
    the things that wake most people up from dreams

    dont wake you up.
    I once had to watch an infant’s throat sliced open over & over again
    while gold leaves flew out of its neck.
    I yearn for anonymity & fame at the same time.

    A couple in bed reading their books: ahhh.
    A couple in bed watching two screens:
    human nature has fundamentally changed!
    An Albert Goldbarth poem is a child’s mouth

    vandalized by food.
    So much poetry today is a bored guillotine.
    Is microchip a pizza topping?
    I walked away from the selfcheckout machine

    as she was in midsentence. Punch me
    if I begin a sentence There’s a study that shows…
    When I step into a CVS or Walgreens
    I expect to die there. That martial arts studio

    In the stripmall
    next to Radio Shack
    & Best Nails
    Has closed.

  14. Desdi said,

    January 5, 2018 at 3:44 pm

    Just present this as a semi-coherent paragraph of prose and . . . VOILA !

    • noochinator said,

      January 5, 2018 at 7:23 pm

      Ebersole reminds me of Jim Behrle — speaking of whom: where’d he go these days? He’s not in the top 100, and the link above that used to go to his website, now takes one to a Chinese website with the headline 駐車場経営で一儲け|人通りの多いエリアに駐車場を設けよう, which Google-Translates to “Make money in parking lot management | Let’s set up a parking lot in areas where there are many traffic “

  15. noochinator said,

    January 6, 2018 at 9:43 pm

    15. Kristen Tracy — link goes to her poem “Local News: Woman Dies in Chimney”:

  16. noochinator said,

    January 7, 2018 at 11:41 am

    52. Collin Yost — proving yet again, there’s no such thing as bad publicity

  17. noochinator said,

    February 13, 2018 at 8:16 pm

    101. Lloyd Schwartz

    A True Poem

    I’m working on a poem that’s so true, I can’t show it to anyone.

    I could never show it to anyone.

    Because it says exactly what I think, and what I think scares me.

    Sometimes it pleases me.

    Usually it brings misery.

    And this poem says exactly what I think.

    What I think of myself, what I think of my friends, what I think about my lover.


    Parts of it might please them, some of it might scare them.

    Some of it might bring misery.

    And I don’t want to hurt them, I don’t want to hurt them.

    I don’t want to hurt anybody.

    I want everyone to love me.

    Still, I keep working on it.


    Why do I keep working on it?

    Nobody will ever see it.

    Nobody will ever see it.

    I keep working on it even though I can never show it to anybody.

    I keep working on it even though someone might get hurt.

    Lloyd Schwartz

  18. Desdi said,

    March 22, 2018 at 9:34 pm

    [ . . .we shouldn’t blame Rupi Kaur] ☺

    I want to go on record thanking Scarriet (again) for telling it like it is when few others will dare. How I needed to read this today!
    I had never heard of Rupi K. until I saw a MASSIVE display of her sunny little books at my local Barnes & Noble.
    I did pick it up and read several of her poems.


    A princess of poets, Miss Kaur
    Was promoted through publishing’s power.
    Scrawling lines for a hobby,
    This perky Punjabi
    Turned rupees to dollars per hour

    some of you Scarrieteers might be interested in this:

    • thomasbrady said,

      March 23, 2018 at 1:55 pm

      Thanks, Desdi, for reminding me of so many things. Reading over this list, I’m really impressed by Scarriet’s scope. Is Scarriet the zeitgeist, or what?

      • Desdi said,

        March 23, 2018 at 2:04 pm

        Scarriet calls like it is–
        But always POETICALLY.

  19. Desdi said,

    May 15, 2018 at 2:10 pm

    Hearken unto the voice of Sophia:

  20. noochinator said,

    May 27, 2018 at 1:21 pm

    50. Richard Howard

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